Monday, October 18, 2010

Design as a Conversation

Design has an amazing ability to communicate with its audience. For example you can tell a lot about a person by the way they design their homepage for a personal website or their profile on a social networking site.  Are they minimalistic, fun, classic, quirky, energetic? You can tell a lot about them by the way they chose to design the things around them.  Similarly you can look at the advertisement for an upcoming movie, and often without even knowing anything about the film you can tell from the design what kind of film it will be.  Will it be a horror film? A comedy? A romance? A drama? Will it be exciting, mysterious, humorous, or a tear-jerker?  All these things can be communicated to you simply from the way a poster is illustrated.  The design for a clothing brand’s logo can tell you about that clothing line.  Is it classic? Modern? Fancy? Retro? Quirky?  The design of a company’s logo is its identity to the public, it conveys the main feature of its style, like the classic Gap logo which when changed created a major uproar amongst consumers.  Design is always communicating something.  It is our first impression when we encounter something and it communicates to us, in that first experience, the primary characteristics of what we’re looking at.