Monday, November 8, 2010

Word and Image: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie poster

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As you have already probably guessed, I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter novels (and the movies), and since the newest film is almost here I’m going to discuss the use of words and image for the final films’ poster.  This poster is for both parts of the Deathly Hallows film. The use of text on the poster is minimal, especially for a movie poster, but I believe that it is both effective and fitting.  The full title of the film is not presented, simply the initials, H.P. for Harry Potter, and the number seven for the book.  Beneath this are the years that each part will be released.  The image shows a destroyed and burning Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the distance, with its image reflected in the water blow.  This image shows the great battle that will take place in the upcoming films at Hogwarts and the devastating effect it will have in the world of the film.  Hogwarts has been the primary setting for all the previous novels (and films) and here we see it being destroyed in the final battle between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort.  The image is dark and highly contrasted, conveying the dark tone the film will have as the heroes of the film are no longer in school and in the midst of a war.   Looking at this image tells me that the film will be dark and action-filled, but I feel the tagline is what really makes the poster strong: “it all ends here.”  The words not only convey that this will be the final Harry Potter films, but also tells us that this is where the final battle between Voldemort and Harry will take place.  This is where the story will end, and everything that has happened up to this point was all leading to this.

“It all ends here!”